Five Things to Improve Your Self-Esteem

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What do you see when you look at yourself in the mirror? Do you praise that person in the mirror, appreciate him or criticize him? Do you associate positive or negative thoughts with that person? 

These are some fundamental questions that should be answered to understand your relationship with yourself. It is baffling to see the rising numbers of people in the US who suffer from low esteem. This gives a sense of urgency to open up this topic and have intense discussions about how essential it is for an individual to love himself first to be loved by someone else.


Hence, we will look at five things that people with high self-esteem tell themselves that help them breeze through life with confidence and love.


“I am alive, and so I have worth”


The British Institute of Human Rights says that “human rights can never be taken away from you; they are part of what it means to be human.” If we stop looking at this from a constitutional point of view and look at it from a much more personal perspective, this statement is quite revealing about us and our relationship with ourselves. 


We all have equal rights, regardless of who we are. People with high esteem have a correct understanding of this, and that is why they refrain from negative self-talk. However, if we do not see this correctly, we can feel worthless. 


Hence, it is highly crucial to tell yourself daily that you are as much alive as everyone else, and you have equal rights to express and have opinions.


“I won’t let anything affect my day”


We all have gone through situations where even if a trivial thing does not happen as per our expectations, we get affected by it. Like missing your office bus can get your day go topsy turvy.

This is where you tell yourself, “Well, it is just another bad day!” This is yet another thinking flaw that puts you down, affecting your mood entirely. 

People with high self-esteem don’t let these things affect them. They don’t let such trivial external things change them so intensely. This helps them to overcome these difficulties so effortlessly that they don’t even know that they are doing it.


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“I accept the good and the bad that is in me”


This is one of the things low self-esteemed people suffer from. Most of the part they do not even know themselves that better. As a practice, it is vital to list down your good and bad qualities, understand them better and tell them to yourself regularly.


The reason why higher self-esteemed people are filled with confidence and a strong sense of self-assurance is that they have precise awareness about their strengths and weaknesses. It is only with this that they can get comfortable with themselves and love themselves better and eventually increase their self-esteem.


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“I feel good because of me”


It is not good to hide behind modestly all the time. When you feel good because you get great results at work, do pat your back, be proud of yourself, and appreciate your efforts. This will boost your self-esteem considerably.


No matter how trivial this sounds, but you must follow this because, ultimately, what matters is how you feel about yourself. And when you understand this completely, you cease to look out for validation. This will instill you with a strong sense of self-assurance, helping you build confidence. 


The reason why people with high self-esteem perform great at work and live their life so well is that they instill themselves with firm conviction. It is a substantial part of their lifestyle and happiness, and self-worth is not dependent on the external factors but themselves. So, this makes it one of the most important things to tell yourself every morning.


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“It’s not in my control”


Regardless of how simple these words are, if you ponder on them for a while, you can understand the true depths of these words and the strong impact it can have on your thinking. 


People with high esteem get over difficult situations with immediate acceptance because they tell themselves, and most importantly, they remember it thoroughly, “It’s not in my control.” 


This only helps them to assess the problematic situations as they are and deal with them correctly. Hence, people with self-esteem should know that they are not responsible for all the adversities and how well you plan; life always brings uncertain situations. 

It is imperative to remind yourself that you still must explore your life, and today all you can do is accept the challenges with confidence. 


It is a hard task of changing your thought patterns. However, you can start by writing these affirmations in your journal or notebook and make it a point of remembering them every morning. These affirmations will help you instill a strong sense of self-assurance and confidence, which will only make you feel good about yourself. So, read them every day, shout at yourself if you must, and make these affirmatives an active part of your thought process.