10 Helpful Tips on Staying Sober for July 4th

staying sober for July 4th

About two-thirds of individuals relapse within weeks or months of treatment. Meanwhile, about 85% of individuals relapse within a year of treatment. Learning how to spot and manage your triggers is essential.

Holidays like the Fourth of July, for example, can feel difficult. It’s a day for fun and celebration! Unfortunately, surrounding yourself with temptation could lead to a relapse.

Don’t let that happen. Instead, use these 10 tips for staying sober for July 4th.

With these tips, you can maintain your sober independence and long-term sobriety. Set yourself up for success this year!

Keep reading to discover your tips for staying sober on the Fourth of July today.

1. Attend a Morning Meeting

Before the festivities begin, consider attending a local recovery meeting. Attending a morning meeting can help you start the day off on the right foot. You can speak with people who understand exactly what you’re going through.

Ask the people in your support group how they’ve handled staying sober for July 4th in the past. Gather tips from people who understand your situation.

You can learn from their successes and their mistakes.

Make sure you have someone in your support group you can call if you’re struggling. They could help you before you make a regretful choice. 

2. Choose the Party With Care

Before July 4th, take a moment to consider your options. If you’ve received multiple invitations, consider each one. Which group might tempt you most?

Try to hang out with friends and family members who are sober if you can.

Attending a party where alcohol isn’t offered can completely remove the risk that you’ll relapse.

Otherwise, make sure to communicate your needs. Let your friends and family members know you’re concerned about staying sober for July 4th. Supportive family members could help you.

For example, they might suggest a completely dry party. You won’t have to worry about peer pressure.

Otherwise, look into activities you can do that don’t involve drinking. For example, you might want to swim, roast marshmallows for s’mores, or play volleyball. Look for activities that will keep you busy and engaged.

Plan these activities with people who support your sobriety. They can help you maintain your sobriety throughout the day.

3. Host Yourself

Nearly 40% of all motor vehicle deaths during the Fourth of July were alcohol-related in 2019. Take driving completely out of the equation. Consider hosting your own Fourth of July event this year.

You can let your guests know ahead of time not to bring alcohol to the party. If they don’t want to stay sober, they can politely decline your invitation.

Hosting your own event will let you control the circumstances and environment.

It can help you remain busy throughout the day, too. You can keep your hands busy by grilling or for your guests.

Otherwise, make sure to keep a bottle of water in your hands. Fill your stomach with water. If there’s water in your hand, you might not feel the need to reach for other bottles.

4. Ask for Accountability

Find at least one person who can help hold you accountable for your actions. For example, you might have a sponsor from your 12-step group or rehab. Maybe you have a therapist you can call.

Ask them to check in on you more than once. Their “check-ups” will remind you to hold yourself accountable.

Remember, you should always call for help if you feel the temptation to start to build. Let them know you’re struggling. 

5. Make a Game Plan

Focus on staying sober for July 4th by building a game plan for yourself.

What will you do if you feel temptation strike? For example, you can walk away from the beverage area. Maybe you can reach for your favorite soda or food instead.

Otherwise, make sure you have someone to talk to if temptation hits. Let them in on your game plan ahead of time, too. 

6. Remember Your Successes

In the days leading up to July 4th, consider how much you’ve accomplished. Think about your road to recovery. It probably wasn’t easy, but look at where you are now!

Reminding yourself of your successes can help you focus on maintaining that success.

7. Consider the Consequences

Remember, there’s no such thing as “just one.” One drink will entirely restart your road to recovery. Instead, think about what happens if you mess up.

Think about your low points during the span of your addiction. You don’t want to go back there.

Instead, keep yourself on track.

8. Focus on the Food

The Fourth of July isn’t about drinking. Instead, give yourself something else to focus on: food!

For example, you can make fun red, white, and blue cupcakes for the holiday. Maybe you want to show off your BBQ-ing skills. Consider making a vibrant red punch or creative trail mix.

Look for distractions for staying sober during holidays. 

9. Have an Escape Plan

Before July 4th rolls up, make sure you have an escape strategy. Know to excuse yourself from the event if your temptation starts to grill.

You’re not obligated to stay at the party. If it seems like your sobriety is at risk, leave before you do something regretful.

Don’t forget to call someone in your support group if you’re struggling.

You might want to give yourself a curfew, too. Add a reminder on your phone.

In fact, you can also schedule reminders throughout the day to hold yourself accountable. Remind yourself how well you’re doing with staying sober for July 4th.

10. Believe in Yourself

Above all else, make sure to have confidence in yourself. Remember, you’ve come a long way! You accomplished that; you can accomplish this, too.

If you start doubting yourself, talk to someone. You’re not in this alone.

Sober Independence: Staying Sober on July 4th

Staying sober for July 4th doesn’t have to feel like a struggle. Instead, use these 10 tips. These tips for staying sober can help you maintain your sober independence.

Your support team is here to help every step of the way. 

Need help? We’re here for you. Contact us today to get started.