Wellness Guide To Help You Thrive

orange county medical detox

Your health and wellness is so important, but it’s way too easy to sometimes let your wellbeing slip under the radar. Small deficiencies in your life lead to larger issues, and a lack in just one small area of your life can easily cause other areas of your life to suffer. You deserve to take care of yourself and to thrive! Here is a basic checklist to keep your health in check.

How much sleep are you getting?


So many issues stem from not getting enough sleep. Coffee and other sources of caffeine really aren’t a substitute for the sleep you need every night. Some people need more sleep to function than others, but we suggest aiming for 8 hours of sleep every night! If you manage to get 8 hours every single night for 7 days straight, and still wake up exhausted and not feeling rested, try going to sleep an hour earlier for an extra hour of sleep, until you’re waking up feeling well rested! It’s a large time commitment, but it’s worth it for your health! There are apps that you can use to track the quality of your sleep, that will help you pinpoint why you don’t feel good when you wake up in the morning.


Get those greens


Your overall wellness extends into the food that you’re putting into your body. You need a combination of carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables, proteins, and fats to have a healthy functioning body. Take a few days and take note of how many fruits and vegetables you’re eating. Most of us really aren’t eating enough! Aim for at least one fruit or vegetable at every meal. After a week of this, add in two daily snacks that mainly consist of fruits and vegetables. You could have a smoothie, or add a handful of fresh berries to your snack of almonds.


Movement is important


The muscles in your body need to move in order to keep your joints and the rest of your body healthy! You don’t have to start training for a marathon, but make sure you are making a conscious effort to move everyday. Go on a daily walk with your neighbor, pet, or child. Park at the far end of the parking lot. Maybe challenge a friend to see who can achieve the most steps per week, and download an app to track it on your phone. However you are motivated, make sure you move and stretch everyday, especially if you have a relatively sedentary lifestyle!